Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter & Things

We've been at my parents' house in Idaho for Easter and do you know what I realized?  I'm going to be home, in my own house for 3 days in 3 weeks.  How about that?

Also feel free to send me a virtual high five for making Avery's Easter dress out of my very favorite vintage tablecloth.  High fives are still cool, right?

Avery's first Easter!!!
This was not the best picture of us, but I love Avery's reaction so it is now my favorite.

We set up a little Easter egg hunt for her after church which was only kind of fun for her because she HATES grass.  It was, however, motivation for her to stand on her own for like 5 seconds because she did not want to sit on the grass.  (I even got it on video.  High five me!)

But I suppose it was all worth it because she loved her Easter basket.

She especially loved her low protein chocolate bunny that quickly became the star of the day.

She wouldn't let it go for anything.

I guess maybe she takes after me?

Mmmmm.... chocolate.

And then it was clearly nap time but she still didn't want to let the chocolate bunny go.

So after a nap, she finished it off.

Easter, after all, has the best candy you know.

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