Friday, December 30, 2011

Obligatory Christmas Post

This year we spent our first Christmas at home.
It was so nice not to be traveling and just enjoy the holiday!

We spent Christmas Eve looking at lights, playing games, eating snacks, and....

 Making Avery's stocking.  I finished just in time!  Even though my fingers were blistered.

My mom made stockings just like this for all our family when I was little and it's become a tradition for each of us to make them for our own families.

I think she liked it.

In fact, it pretty much knocked her off her feet.

Having Christmas on a Sunday was so nice!  We slept in 'til 8, had church at 9, and didn't even start opening presents until 11!  That's definitely a first in my life but it made the whole day seem to last longer.

This is pretty much the chubbiest my baby has ever looked.
I love that double chin!

Grandma & Grandpa spoiled Avery with a jumperoo (aka Mom's babysitter).  

The first couple of days we had to put blankets under her feet so her feet would touch enough for her to jump.  Now she just jumps on her toes.  I love it!

 Having a baby at Christmas was fun, but she was more interested in the wrappings than the presents.  
In true Avery fashion, she ate everything she got her hands on.

See as follows:
Yep.  If she likes it, she eats it.

 After last year's Epic Christmas Failure, I was determined to get Kyle just what he wanted this year.
He only mentioned about 800 times that he wanted Cowboys & Aliens.
(such a weird movie)

I have to say, I also killed it with new basketball shoes.
Even though he ended up exchanging them.
(I still killed it)

  My parents came down from Idaho to spend Christmas with us.  They both have recently lost a lot of weight so I'm pretty sure all they got was clothes.  Sounds fun to me!

Awhile after we finished opening presents and Avery was down for a nap, Kyle pulled out an envelope for me!  He made a riddled poem that led me to the furnace room where he'd stashed one more present just for me...

A HUGE present--and heavy too!

Expedit shelves from IKEA!  I've been eyeing these for years to help organize my disasterous sewing room. I have to say, it is really hard to surprise me, but Kyle always manages to pull one over on me.
I loved it!

And now we have to get ready to celebrate New Year's.
Hope you all had a merry Christmas!


mrsmonje said...

Merry late Christmas!!! Avery is so cute but you know this lol Seth got a jumper--oooo too :) he likes it...I think!

Jason and Abby said...

Cute family!! Looks like you had a great Christmas!