Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Daydreams & Baby Staring

I often daydream of what it will be like to be a stay-at-home mom.  I imagine actually doing all those things I wish I had time to do now: sewing, baking, gardening, decorating, sending handwritten letters to friends and family, catching up on all the episodes of The Bachelor I miss because my husband hates that show...

And then I remember that I'll be working from home.  With a baby.  ?

And then I also remember that when I am home all day on a weekend or something, I don't do any of those things I wish I had time to do even though for a full 24 hours I might have all the time in the world.

And then I imagine that instead of sewing, baking, and decorating, my more realistic stay-at-home mom life will probably involve eating a lot of eggs and toast and staring at the baby.  Because babies are the best for staring at.

The funny thing about all this is that maybe 7 years ago I had such a totally different idea of what I wanted out of life.  Sure I wanted to someday get married and have babies, but my goals were more career-centered and focused on propelling myself through the fashion industry.  (Side note: 7 years seems like a terribly long time, but doesn't it?)  I most definitely did not see myself: 1. living in Utah and 2. daydreaming of being a stay-at-home mom.  Also if you had told me I was going to be a full-time secretary for 3 years I would have been terribly disappointed. 

But, surprisingly enough, my life has turned out to be anything but disappointing (even the secretarial work).  My priorities have changed and so have my daydreams.  Now I'm just a silly mom-to-be longing for the day when I can be home eating eggs and toast, staring at my baby full-time.

1 comment:

Megan B said...

you're really wonderful. i love this.