Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Farm Fail

It was the last $2 Tuesday at Thanksgiving Point today so Avery and I took advantage of cheap admission to Farm Country.  I was so excited to take her because I knew she would love it.  She loves the zoo, she loves her animal books, there's just no way she wouldn't have the best time of her baby life at Farm Country.  It's kind of like a mini zoo but with farm animals and pony rides for the older-than-Avery kids.

She was terrified of the animals.

That is, all except for the turkeys.
Until a turkey bit her, anyway.
Such is life.

She stared over this fence for quite awhile.
At a strip of dirt.
She wouldn't let me put her down if there was an animal in her direct sight.

She was really more interested in picking rocks off the ground than checking out the farm animals.
Oh well.
I had fun.

1 comment:

vickyj said...

I love her up on her tippy-toes.