Tuesday, April 24, 2012

About Pineapple

Approximately 19 lbs. of pineapple right there.
There would be more but we'd already eaten 2 of them.
I got a deal at our co-op and got 9 pineapples for $12.00!
Naturally, I could not pass that up.

It took me two hours to cut up all 7 pineapples.
I love fresh pineapple but oh how I do not like cutting them up.

To keep Avery off my heels, I gave her one of the pineapple cores to chew on.  She loves to eat pineapple so I decided this was genius.  It entertained her forever and it was hard enough to chew on but not get anything off.  Too bad my brilliant plan backfired when she later developed a rash from rubbing that pineapple all over her face. 

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