Friday, October 8, 2010

Neither Heaven-Sent nor Genius

The terrible thing about having an exceptionally comfortable bed is having to leave it every morning.  If it were up to me, I would not have left my bed this morning.  I would still be stuffed between cotton sheets and down comforter dreaming that I was, in fact, both a contestant and model on Project Runway.  It was in this dream that I dreamed up the loveliest of orange skirts made of giant pieced fabric circles.  I'm pretty sure it would've fit in Michael C.'s collection perfectly.  But then again, he was in the bottom three, so maybe that wouldn't have been such a good idea.

When I first woke up I thought that the skirt of my dreams must have been some kind of heaven-sent vision of things to come.  "I must make that skirt, it's genius!" I thought emphatically to myself.  And now, hours later, I'm remembering exactly what I dreamed up and realizing that it is neither heaven-sent nor genius in any way (except, perhaps, for the color).  But, then again, I would never in a million years be a contestant or model on Project Runway so I guess it all works out in the end.

1 comment:

Kristina Clemens said...

What a fabulous dream!!! I'm a freelance bridal dress designer, so I love Project Runway, too!!!