Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"His Capa Was Detated!"

Kyle reminds me on a near-daily basis that I've been demoted to a 3 out of 10 driver because I got two speeding tickets in 9 months.


So I opted to "attend" online traffic school where I log in my 3 hours by reading attempting-to-be-entertaining traffic material and answer a follow-up quiz question.  When I'm done, the ticket will be off my record. 

Never been to online traffic school?  Well, allow me to share with you one of my favorite lessons:

"Rear-ending a large vehicle...can be a fatal mistake...When the vehicle passes under the trailer, the upper torso of the driver and passengers hit the bumper at close to full speed while the rest of their bodies travel with the vehicle under the trailer.  The result: decapitation.  This isn't the Middle Ages, so avoid a gruesome death and allow plenty of space between you and the semi-truck in front of you."

Who said traffic school couldn't be fun?

 "Wham! His capa is detated from his head!"
~the great Michael Scott

(please tell me you also love The Office)
(and that I'm not the only one who's had to suffer through traffic school)
(more than once)

1 comment:

Anna said...

I also love The Office and also have suffered through online traffic school, though only once!