Monday, March 29, 2010

Blessed are the patient for they shall have a new house?

Buying a house is not for the impatient of heart.  First there's the saving (oh the saving!).  Then there's the looking.  And looking.  And looking.  Then the offering.  The counter-offering.  The paperwork.  More paperwork.  Inspection.  Appraisal.  And convincing the sellers to lower their price.  And then waiting for them to respond.  I hate waiting.  I'm very much impatient.  And all this waiting and patienceness just might make me crazy. 

I think I need some ice cream.


Rich and Brianne said...

Oh how I understand. I'm not sure why "they" made buying a house so difficult. It's like they don't want people to have homes!

Unknown said...

The same thing just happened to me with the house I am purchasing. Stay strong and you will get it! It is a never ending process though I won't believe the house is mine until I actually have the keys in my hands. When are you supposed to close?

KimiK said...

You are no longer a property virgin!! Congratulations! Can't wait to see it! xoxo