Sunday, January 24, 2010

Crystal, Cheesecake, and the Champion

I'm in an accesories phase.
Accessorizing our shelves and walls.  And myself, of course.

That said, you can imagine my excitement at finding an array of crystal candlestick holders for fifty cents a piece at the local D.I.  Also, the milk glass pot in the background.  What do you suppose it says about a woman when the excitement of a weekend revolves around cheap trinkets found at a thrift store?

I also purchased some hideous gilded frames that will soon have a brighter future.  Stay tuned for their more attractive debut at a later date...

In other news, the weekend included the Kyle and Kourtney premier of the movie 2012.  Verdict: Kourtney loved it. Kyle got antsy after hitting the 2 hour mark but liked it, despite the occasional "cheesiness."

Speaking of cheese...  Kyle's first experience dining at The Cheesecake Factory ended triumphantly.  Good food, good company, and drool-worthy dessert.  We will be going back.

Also, Kyle and Kourtney broke out the new Scattergories game.  Kourtney very much enjoyed the taste of victory.

1 comment:

The Lloyds said...

Love the cheescake factory! My favorite place!