Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Santa Debut

Almost as soon as December 25th is over, I am over Christmas.  I love the holiday, I love the season, but when it lasts from November through December, I'm about done with it once it's over.  So before I say goodbye to our Christmas tree and lights, I had to share this picture of awesomeness depicting my darling mother-in-law's debut as Santa!  I totally helped Santa craft that sweet beard too.  Felt and cotton balls, baby!  (In hindsight, glue sticks don't work that great on cotton balls).
Ok, now on to the New Year!


Jamie said...

I love this picture!! Your mom is awesome!
PS I miss you and come see me!

Suzi Q said...

Hey I completely agree! Even Christmas day I kept asking Kevin how long we would have to leave up the tree :)

vickyj said...

I am SO impressed with Santa Margaret.