Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"That Couple"

I don't often watch The Biggest Loser, but every time I do I seem to be eating ice cream and/or potato chips.  This seems rather ironic to me.  But I know I'm not alone.  I think you do it too.

I've decided that part of the appeal of reality competition-type shows is that I get to judge and criticize to my heart's content.  You see, when watching American Idol, for example, I like to throw out my own expert critique, "Off pitch!"  "Where's the passion?"  "I'm not feelin' it dogg."  And then I feel like a real-life expert when my critiques happen to match up with what the judges say.  I know, I know, I'm no expert and I would never be caught dead singing on national television.  I do, however, enjoy singing in the shower.  I think you do it too.

So Kyle and I thought about going to see a movie tonight, but then we remembered we "have" to be home to watch Parenthood at 9:00.  And then it hit us:  we are becoming "that couple."  You know, that couple who plans their night around their favorite tv shows.  Who eat ice cream while watching The Biggest Loser.  And who make unjustified criticisms of American Idol and Dancing with the Stars contestants.  I refuse to take full responsibility for this decline in our marital social life.  I blame two people:  Comcast for making their DVR's more expensive than we want to pay for, and the sellers of the house we are trying to buy for sucking the very life from our tender souls. 

I would tell you more about it but Parenthood is on.


Jamie said...

You know that you're insulting THIS couple too haha. Don't plan my evening around it but I sure do have shows for each night of th week. hehe

Gordita said...

We do not plan anything on Thursday nights at all. Ever. Because of Fringe and Bones. But then again, we've been married for ages. What's your excuse? :)

Rachael Smith said...

You are not alone!!! we do the samething!! We never use to do this!!!! I;m gaining wieght too!!! So we need to get together and get outside to play!!! (zane)