Monday, September 10, 2012

A Monday Makeover

When I married Kyle, I inherited his GIANT armoire which has loomed dark and large in our bedroom ever since.  Truth be told, I didn't really like it so much.  But today it got a makeover!



I would like to point out that I've been trying to explain to Kyle that two of the knobs don't match and he never believed me.  Well now it's glaringly obvious.  I would love to switch out ALL the hardware at some point for something more subtle, but that point is not today.  Overall, it went from big brown monster to something I really love.  It helped immensely to brighten up our bedroom!  I'm in love!


It Started With a Wink said...

I think it could be cute to have all mismatched hardware

Chantal said...

So... how did you do that in one day?