Monday, July 16, 2012

Because I Love Her

It's 10:30 PM and I am just now sitting down after spending EIGHT hours in the kitchen.  Avery's birthday is tomorrow and I thought I'd save myself some stress the day of and make her cake the day before.  I'm so glad I had the foresight to do that because just her little low protein cake took me almost 3 hours to put together.  (And then I had to bake regular cupcakes and tonight's dinner.  And do 3 loads of dishes)

When I finally got the cake in the oven, my kitchen looked like this.

I thought that baking a low protein cake would just require measuring a little differently and using some different ingredients (i.e. mayo and xanthan gum).  In reality, the whole process was completely different from regular baking.  It was worth it though, because the cake turned out beautifully and it tastes just like regular cake!  (I used a little batter to make some cupcakes so I could taste test).  This is a great improvement because the last time I tried to bake a low protein cake I used a special baking mix and it turned out really greasy and with the texture of cornbread.  Not so much my favorite.  

During today's baking adventures, I also attempted low protein ice cream.  I mean, why not?  It certainly wasn't as time consuming as the cake and is currently hanging out in the freezer hardening up to scoopability. Don't worry, I tasted it before it went in the freezer and it was SO good.  Like you wouldn't even know it wasn't regular vanilla ice cream.

I can't even tell you what it feels like to have "normal" food that Avery can eat.  I feel like we spend so much time saying "she can't have that" it's refreshing to have things she CAN eat instead.  Especially things that other people normally eat on occasions such as birthdays.  She certainly doesn't understand all the time I put into making a "normal" birthday cake and ice cream treat for her (nor will she probably even want to eat it) but I hope one day she will know that when I spend hours and hours baking special things for her it's because I love her.

On that note, can we all just take a moment to think about the fact that 1 year ago at this very hour I was in labor and checking into the hospital?  I never could have imagined how much our lives would truly change in 12 months.  I'm so, so tired and yet so very happy.  Just like I was 1 year ago.

The cake and ice cream recipes were from Cook for  Love.  
I can't say enough how grateful I am to Brenda for slaving away to come up with such delicious, PKU friendly recipes.  It makes me so happy I could cry.


M said...

yay!!! way to go! That is a lot of work! You are such a great Mom and Avery is so lucky to have you. Happy Birthday Avery!

vickyj said...

So sorry I couldn't be there to help. I am anxious to see and taste your hard-day's work. I'm proud of you and the things you accomplish. Tonight I will relish the memory of sleeping in the back of the Murano in the hospital parking lot a year ago waiting for our sweet Avery to arrive. I will also thank God for her birth, for sparing your life, and for blessing you both this past year. I love you so much.

Kellie said...

You are SUCH a good mom. I love that you did that. Happy birthday to your baby!

Kate [City Girl Mountain View] said...

Yay! Glad your cake and ice cream turned out! We did CFL cupcakes, they were yummy and everyone seemed to enjoy them. Of course those were all we did so they had no choice! Wish we would have done ice cream too, going to try that soon! I hope Avery had a great birthday!